Why Spring Is the Best Time of Year for Sod Installation and How It Improves Your Newtown, MA, Landscaping

There is no question that first impressions matter, and the first image people have of your property is the yard. Healthy looking landscaping is always an eye-catcher, telling visitors that you care about the upkeep and beauty of your Newton, MA, home. If you don’t have sod but would love to, here is why spring is the best time of year to take the leap.

Why Sod Is a Superior Grass Source

Why Spring Is the Best Time of Year for Sod Installation and How It Improves Your Newtown, MA, Landscaping

There are many advantages to choosing sod for your grass, but some stand out: First, sod eliminates weeds and dirt immediately, which can be a huge plus for new yards. Second, sod can be laid almost any time during the growing season, but spring is ideal because of the mild temperatures that allow the roots to become established before the heat arrives. Third, weeds can be a troublesome nuisance in grass, and sod arrives with no weeds. Fourth, sod offers a completely grassed yard instantly, and once the roots are established, your family can run and play freely on the new grass.

Why Install Sod in the Spring

With the upcoming warmer weather after a cold winter, all grass, but especially sod, is poised to begin growing and filling in bare spots. Many types of sod consist of warm season grasses such as Bermuda, Centipede, and Zoysia, which thrive in the warmer temperatures of spring and summer. Installing sod in the spring can also help you avoid the weeds that crop up in the spring and summer, only to drop seeds in the fall to begin the growing process again the next year.

Related: 5 Landscape Design Ideas for Spring in Norfolk, MA

The Installation Process

Because sod is mature grass that has been excavated and rolled into sections, you’ll want to take care to have it laid on the same day as it arrives. The strips should be laid end to end, with no gaps. Plan to have the sod watered twice per day, once in the morning and once in the late afternoon to foster root growth. Once the sod has begun to grow, you can plan to water two or three times per week to a depth of 1-2 inches. The spring rains can promote the roots to take hold and the grass to begin greening up. You will know your sod has rooted permanently if it does not pull up when you tug gently.

Fun Games for the Outdoors

Now that your sod has filled in and is thriving, you can focus on enjoying your friends and family outdoors instead of fretting over the dirt and bare spots that have prevented consistent outdoor activities. A horseshoe pit leads to a delightful competition over who can toss the horseshoe closest to the stake in the ground. Each throw adds points until the final tally reveals the winner. There are many other fun games you can plan for—such as freeze tag, badminton, volleyball—and get your family outside together. Add your favorite summer drinks and popsicles for the kids, you have a recipe for summer fun.

A landscape professional is someone you can trust to install a gorgeous, thriving sodded lawn for your Newtown, MA, property. From landscape design and build, plantings, tree installation, and even year-round property maintenance, they can do it all.